Tag: server


A Simple Script for Creating and Deleting Rolling ZFS Snapshots in FreeBSD

Here’s a simple little Bourne shell-compatible script I wrote to create and delete rolling ZFS snapshots on a small home server running the FreeBSD operating system. Sure there’s ports/packages available in FreeBSD to accomplish this, but there’s something to be said for keeping it simple and having one less piece of software to update and maintain.

As currently configured, the script recursively creates a daily snapshot of /pool_0/dataset_0. The name of each snapshot consists of the word “snap,” followed by the date and time the snapshot was taken (e.g., snap-202002102300). Snapshots are retained in pool_0/dataset_0/.zfs/snapshots. The script will then destroy any snapshot older that 90 days and log what its done to the file cronlog located in my home directory. A typical ~/cronlog entry looks like the following:

Using the script

To use the script, I save it as zfssnap.sh in ~/bin, where I keep most of my helper scripts, and make it executable:

Then I delegate some ZFS permissions to user iceflatline so snapshots can be created and destroyed without becoming the root user. However, this command is issued as the user root:

Note that I’ve set permissions at the zpool level, which means that all datasets under pool_0 will inherit these settings. Alternatively I could have applied the permissions just to dataset_0.

Then I make the snapshots retained in pool_0/dataset_0/.zfs/snapshots. Here too, the command must be issued as the user root:

Here again, I’ve applied applied this setting at the zpool level so when additional datasets are created in pool_0 they will inherit this setting. And here too, I could have applied this setting just to dataset_0.

Finally I configure a cronjob in the crontab for user iceflatline so that the script runs daily at 23:00:

If you’d like to use the script as is then simply modify the variable src_0 to reflect the name of your zpool and dataset. Else, modify the script to suite your needs.

Prefer to run the script more frequently than daily? Modify your cronjob. Here are couple of examples for running the script more frequently:

Don’t like the snapshot naming convention. No problem, just modify the variable snap_prefix.

Prefer to have more or less than 90 snapshots? Modify the retention variable.

Want to add other zpools and/or datasets? Add them to another variable (e.g., src_1), then modify the remainder of the script to recognize and take action on them.

Prefer to have the script log its output to a different location? Modify the log variable.

You get the idea.


There you have it. A simple way to create and destroy ZFS snapshots on a rolling basis under FreeBSD.


Install and Configure Folding@home on Ubuntu Server

Folding@home is a distributed computing project started by Stanford University to help understand protein folding, misfolding, and related diseases. The project uses the idle processing resources of thousands of personal computers belonging to people that have installed the Folding@home software on their systems. In this post I will describe how to install and configure the Folding@home client software on Ubuntu server. All steps assume that the Apache http server on Ubuntu server is installed and operating correctly.

Software versions used in this post were as follows:

  • Ubuntu server 16.04.3 LTS
  • fahclient_7.4.4_amd64.deb

So let’s get started…

Download and Install

First, update your package list:

Then download and install the latest 64-bit version of the Debian-based Folding@home client to a location of your choice. In this example we’ll use the user’s home directory:

Note that fahclient_7.4.4_amd64.deb was the most current version of the client at the time this post was published. You may need to update the file name in this command in order to fetch the most recent version of the software.

Now lets install the client:

The installer will request you to enter a Folding@home donor name, team number, passkey (optional), whether the client should be automatically started at system boot, and how much of your system resources should be used (See Figures 1-5, repectively).

If you have an existing Folding@home donor name enter that name here, else enter a new donor name:

Screenshot showing the install message regarding the folding at home user name

Figure 1

If you’re joining an existing Folding@home team, enter that team number here, else simply enter 0 for no team:

Screenshot showing the install message regarding the folding at home team number

Figure 2

The Folding@home passkey is a unique identifier that ties your Folding@home contributions directly to you (not just those with your username). The passkey uniquely identifies you as an individual donor and is associated with the results that you have completed. If you have an Folding@home passkey and would like to use it enter it here. If you don’t have a passkey and would like one, you can request one from Folding@home. Else simply select “Ok” here to move to the next screen:

Screenshot showing the install message regarding the folding at home passkey

Figure 3

Choose whether or not you want the Folding@home client to startup automatically when the Ubuntu server boots:

Screenshot showing the install message regarding the folding at home start up

Figure 4

Finally, you can select how aggressively the client uses your system’s CPU resources:

Screenshot showing the install message regarding the folding at home resource use

Figure 5

The installer will finish and automatically start the Folding@home client. You can verify that the client is running using the following command:

You can now delete the installation Folding@home package fahclient_7.4.4_amd64.deb from your home directory, if desired.


Now that the Folding@home client has been installed it’s time to configure Web Control, Folding@home’s graphical interface. Web Control is the default control program for monitoring your Folding@home client via an easy to use web page.

First, stop your running Folding@home client:

Then use sudo and your favorite editor to append the following lines to /etc/fahclient/config.xml, which will grant access to the Web Control dashboard to a specific IP address. Unfortunately Web Control can only grant access to a single IP address. In this example we’ve chosen to grant access to the host with the IP address

Finally, restart the Folding@home client:

You should now be able to access the Folding@home Web Control dash board at http://your-ubuntu-server-IP-address:7396/ (See Figure 6)

Screenshot showing the folding at home Web Control dashboard

Figure 6

There you have it. A few minutes of your time and you can easily have Folding@home up and running on your Ubuntu server. I think Folding@Home is a great cause and have created my own Folding@Home team to contribute some of my spare CPU cycles. How about you? If you have a few cycles to spare how about dedicating some to Folding@home’s efforts? You’re also welcome to join join my team. To join, simply enter the team number 78746 when you install folding@home.



Run a Windows Application as a Service with srvany

Occasionally the need arises for running an application in Windows as a service. This allows the application to run at boot time without the need for a user to be logged into the system in order for the application to start and operate. While built-in mechanisms such as Task Scheduler exist to help facilitate this, the ability to run an application as a service has certain advantages, notably the ability to prescribe certain actions be taken should the service fail. Take for example the the case where an application is listening for incoming IP connections. Being able to automatically restart the service without user intervention is desirable in order to avoid loss of service.

This post will describe how to use the Microsoft utilities instrsrv.exe and srvany.exe to install a Windows application as a service. instrsrv.exe is used to install the service while srvany.exe acts as a wrapper around the application and handles the service events. Both utilities are available as part of Microsoft’s Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools. I have successful tested instrsrv.exe and srvany.exe on Windows 7/8.1; I have not tested them on Windows 10.

Let’s get started…

For purposes of example, we’ll assume we have a Windows application called “foobar” that is normally started by using the binary c:\foo\foobar.exe.

Start by downloading Microsoft’s Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools and install it to a folder of your choice. Create a folder to contain the files instrsrv.exe and srvany.exe. We’ll use c:\srvany for our example. Now copy both files from the where you installed the Resource Kit tools to c:\srvany. After the files have been copied the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools may be uninstalled.

Now open a command prompt and install foobar as a system service using the following command. You may use any name you’d like for the service:

You should receive a response indicating that the service was successfully added.

Next, open the Windows registry editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\foobar. Use the mouse or keyboard to highlight foobar and select Edit->New->Key to create a new key named Parameters. Highlight Paramters and select Edit->New->String Value to create a new string value named Application. Double-click on Application and enter the full path to foobar.exe (e.g., c:\foo\foobar.exe). That’s it. You can now close the registry editor.

By default, the newly created service foobar is configured to run automatically when the system is restarted. To change this setting to Manual, run the Services applet by entering services.msc from a command prompt or by using WIN+R. Locate foobar from among the list of services, right-click on it and select Properties and change its Startup type to Manual. A service set to Manual can be started from within the Services applet, or by entering the following from a command prompt:

Selecting the Recovery tab from within properties will allow you to chose what the system should do in the event if the service fails.

You can delete the service by entering the following from a command prompt:

There you have it. A nice simple way to register and run a non-service application as a windows service.


Using Tarsnap in FreeBSD to Improve My Offsite Backups

In a recent post I described how I improved the reliability of my file system backups by using the data replication capabilities inherent in the FreeBSD Zettabyte File System (ZFS). In this post I will explore Tarsnap, another tool I recently started to use to perform secure offsite backups of my most important files.

The versions for the software used in this post are as follows:

  • FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE
  • tarsnap 1.0.37

The steps discussed assume that the FreeBSD Ports Collection is installed. If not, you can install it using the following command:

If the Ports Collection is already installed, make sure to update it:

Okay, let’s get started. Okay, let’s get started. All commands are issued as the user root. While building the various ports you should accept all default configuration options unless otherwise instructed.

Create a Tarsnap account

Before installing Tarsnap I visited the Tarsnap registration page and created an account. Tarsnap operates on a prepaid basis, so you have to add some money to your account before you can start using it. The minimum amount is $5.00. Money will be deducted from your pre-paid amount based on the actual number of bytes stored and bandwidth used (after compression and data deduplication). Tarsnap prices are currently $.25 per Gigabyte per month for storage, and $.25 per byte for bandwidth.

Install Tarsnap

After creating an account it was time to install Tarsnap. First I made sure the Ports Collection was up to date:

Then proceeded with the install, accepting all default configuration options:

Next, I ran tarsnap-keygen, a utility which registers my machine with the Tarsnap server and generates a key that is used to encrypt and sign the archives that I create. I needed to have the e-mail address and password I used to create my Tarsnap account handy when running this command. In following example I’ve registered a machine with the host name tarsnap-test:

Note that if I had multiple machines containing files I wished to backup to Tarsnap, I would want create a separate key file for each machine.

By default tarsnap-keygen will create the key file /root/tarsnap.key. This can be changed by adding the option keyfile to specify a different location and/or key name. In the example above I’ve changed the name of my key file to tarsnap-test.key to help disambiguate keys in case I add additional machines to my Tarsnap account in the future.

Tarsnap creates the file /usr/local/etc/tarsnap.conf when installed. This config file is read by the tarsnap utility and specifies a number of default options, all of which will be ignored if the options in question are specified at the command line. Since I change the name of default key file, I revised the value for the option keyfile in /usr/local/etc/tarsnap.conf:

Note that you should store a copy of this key someplace safe. If you lose your Tarsnap key file(s), you will not be able to create new archives or access your archived data.

Using Tarsnap

After installing Tarsnap I was ready to create and backup my first archive. Tarsnap commands follow a syntax similar to the venerable tar utility. The -c option creates a new archive containing the specified files. The -f option specifies which file to write the archive to:

Performing subsequent backups of these files will go faster since Tarsnap’s deduplication feature will avoid sending data which was previously stored.

If I want to list all archives stored with Tarsnap I can use the following command:

Adding one or more instance of the -v option to this command will make the output more verbose. For example, if -v is specified one or more times, the creation time of each archive is printed; if it is specified two or more times, the command line with which Tarsnap was invoked to create each archive is also printed.

If I want to list the files contained within a single archive I can use the following command:

The -t option is used to print to stdout the files stored in the specified archive; the -v option of course makes the output a little more verbose.

If I wanted to delete one or more archives I can use the -d option:

When the time comes to restore one or more files from Tarsnap I have a couple of options. For example, I can recover all files contained in a particular archive using the following command. In this example, I’ve extracted all files contained in the archive backup-20150729 to /tmp where I can recover one of more files:

Or I can extract just one of the directories in this archive:

Note here that you must exclude the leading / from the directory you’re restoring from. So in this case, instead of /pool_0/dataset_0/some-directory/, it should be pool_0/dataset_0/backup/some-directory.

Or regress even further into the archive to recover a single file if desired:

Finally, if for whatever reason I no longer wish to use Tarsnap on this machine I can invoke the nuke option, which will delete all of the archives stored:

To make sure you’re really serious, Tarsnap will ask you to type the text “No Tomorrow” when using this command.

Okay, after getting comfortable with the Tarsnap commands and backing up files manually for a couple of days, I created this ugly little script that creates a daily archive of a specified directory; looks for any archives older than 30 days and deletes them; and, logs its output to the file /home/iceflatline/cronlog:

I wrote the script to /home/iceflatline/bin/tarsnap.sh where I maintain some other scipts and made it executable:

Then added the following cron job to the crontab under user root. The script runs every day at 0800 local time:

Well, that’s it. A short post describing my experiences using Tarsnap, an easy, secure and inexpensive solution for performing offsite backups of my most important files.



Replacing MySQL with MariaDB in FreeBSD

(20170113 — The steps in this post were amended to address changes in recent versions of software. Minor editorial corrections were also made — iceflatline)

In my post on how to install and configure Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin on FreeBSD for basic local web development activities, one of the components is the MySQL database server. But what if you prefer to use MariaDB? MariaDB is an open source alternative to MySQL, and available under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 license. It is developed by the MariaDB community with oversight by the MariaDB Foundation.

This post will describe how to install and configure the MariaDB 10.1 server, as well as how to configure it as a replacement for a MySQL 5.7 server. I strongly encourage you to test these steps first before using them on your development or production environment.

The versions of software discussed in this post are as follows:

  • FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE
  • mysql57-server-5.7.17
  • mariadb101-server-10.1.20_1
  • The following steps discussed in this post assume you have the FreeBSD Ports Collection installed. If not, you can install it using the following command:

    If the Ports Collection is already installed, make sure to update it:

    Okay, let’s get started. All commands are issued as the user root. While building the various ports you should accept all default configuration options unless otherwise instructed.

    Install the MariaDB server

    If you’re installing the MariaDB server for the first time on a FreeBSD system that does not already contain a version of MySQL server use the following steps.

    Navigate to the MariaDB server port and build it:

    Then use the sysrc command to add the following line to /etc/rc.conf:

    Start the MariaDB server:

    And create a password for the MariaDB server root user:

    That’s it. Now you should be able to use the MariaDB server in the same way you would a MySQL server.

    Replacing MySQL server with MariaDB server

    If you’ve previously installed a MySQL server then you can replace it with a MariaDB server. First, make sure to backup any existing database(s). This is critical. MariaDB 10.1 is not a drop-in replacement for MySQL 5.7. Installing MariaDB requires you to destroy your existing databases and restore them after MariaDB is installed.

    Stop the MySQL server:

    Uninstall the MySQL server and client:

    Delete everything in the MySQL server data directory:

    Then navigate to the MariaDB server port and build it:

    Start the MariaDB server:

    Create a password for the MariaDB server root user:

    Recreate your database(s) in the MariaDB server and restore their files from your backups. Then run the command mysql_upgrade. This command does two things: it ensures that your mysql privilege and event tables are updated with the new fields MariaDB uses; and it performs a check of all tables and marks them as compatible with MariaDB server. In most cases this should be a fast operation (depending on the number of database tables):


    That’s it. A few minutes of your time with the FreeBSD Ports Collection and you can quickly install a MariaDB server from scratch or replace an existing MySQL server with it.

