Tag: news



Over this past weekend I reconfigured this site to use HTTPS by default. This is something I’ve been interested in doing for some time, partly due to a desire to improve general online security in the wake of the Edward Snowden revelations, but also because Google recently announced that they would be begin using HTTPS as a ranking signal. SEO means little to me from a financial perspective – I sell no ads on this site, nor will I, but I am interested in getting the information on this site securely to the people who search for that information.

Anyway, please advise if you encounter any difficulties or anomalies when using the site. And, as always, thanks for visiting.


Blame The Spammers

When I first started this blog I wanted those that visited here be free to leave comments without the need for said comments to be approved before they were posted. Unfortunately the amount of spam I’m getting now exceeds my ability to keep up with them. So, from now on those that leave a comment will need to wait for me to approve it before it’s posted. If you’re a spammer, your comment will not be approved. If you’re not a spammer I will approve your comment as soon as possible, likely within 24 hours.

This was bound to happen at some point I guess. My apologies. Blame the spammers.


Content Scraping and Attribution

Last week I recieved a “pingback” on this post. I was curious about what may have been discussed so I navigated to the site and discovered they had simply scraped the entire post, representing it as their own. Content scraping is nothing new of course and happens all the time on large, popular sites, but this was the first time this happened to me, to something I wrote. I was a little taken aback by how blatant it was.

I reached out the offending site’s administrator to request that he/she conform to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license by providing attribution, or remove the content. I had little hope that they would comply, much less respond, and had resigned myself to hoping that Google could sort out which content source would be authoritative when it came to search queries. I was pleasantly surprised then when roughly a day later I received an e-mail from the site’s administrator admitting to copying the content (“because it’s beautiful”), but more importantly agreeing to attribute the content to me. We agreed on the following notice, which was placed at the bottom of the (copied) post: “This article was originally published at https://iceflatline.com/2011/11/how-to-install-apache-mysql-php-and-phpmyadmin-on-freebsd/ and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.”

All of the content I post here at www.iceflatline.com is provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. What this means is that you are free to copy, distribute and transmit this content, to adapt it to something you may be working on, even make commercial use of the content. All I ask is that you attribute the original content to me in some way.


Mint Analytics Added

Friends, a quick post to let you know that I’ve added Mint to the site. What’s Mint? It’s a self-hosted web site analytics program. I was interested obtaining more information about who is referrering readers to the site, popular pages, top searches, etc, but found the tools offered by my web host bluehost lacking. Here’s a list of the datapoints the Mint program is collecting for me here at www.iceflatline.com:

  • Visits (past-day, -week, -month, and uniques)
  • Referrers (newest unique, most recent, repeats, and domains)
  • Pages (most popular, most recent, entry, watched)
  • User Agent (browsers, platform, screen, flash)
  • Searches (most common, most recent, found)
  • The data Mint collects is anonymous; the program does not collect personal data of any kind. My motivation in using Mint is purely technical – better metrics.

    Anyway, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about Mint, or this site’s use of Mint, please leave a comment.


    Atom Syndication Feeds Added

    From the department of “I should have done this a long time ago,” I have added Atom syndication feeds to www.iceflatline.com. Now in addition to RSS you can use Atom to track posts and comments using the URLs https://iceflatline.com/feed/atom/ and https://iceflatline.com/comments/feed/atom/ respectively. These links have also been added to the “Meta” section to the right.

    Live long and Atom.