A Simple Script for Creating and Deleting Rolling ZFS Snapshots in FreeBSD

Here’s a simple little Bourne shell-compatible script I wrote to create and delete rolling ZFS snapshots on a small home server running the FreeBSD operating system. Sure there’s ports/packages available in FreeBSD to accomplish this, but there’s something to be said for keeping it simple and having one less piece of software to update and maintain.

As currently configured, the script recursively creates a daily snapshot of /pool_0/dataset_0. The name of each snapshot consists of the word “snap,” followed by the date and time the snapshot was taken (e.g., snap-202002102300). Snapshots are retained in pool_0/dataset_0/.zfs/snapshots. The script will then destroy any snapshot older that 90 days and log what its done to the file cronlog located in my home directory. A typical ~/cronlog entry looks like the following:

Using the script

To use the script, I save it as in ~/bin, where I keep most of my helper scripts, and make it executable:

Then I delegate some ZFS permissions to user iceflatline so snapshots can be created and destroyed without becoming the root user. However, this command is issued as the user root:

Note that I’ve set permissions at the zpool level, which means that all datasets under pool_0 will inherit these settings. Alternatively I could have applied the permissions just to dataset_0.

Then I make the snapshots retained in pool_0/dataset_0/.zfs/snapshots. Here too, the command must be issued as the user root:

Here again, I’ve applied applied this setting at the zpool level so when additional datasets are created in pool_0 they will inherit this setting. And here too, I could have applied this setting just to dataset_0.

Finally I configure a cronjob in the crontab for user iceflatline so that the script runs daily at 23:00:

If you’d like to use the script as is then simply modify the variable src_0 to reflect the name of your zpool and dataset. Else, modify the script to suite your needs.

Prefer to run the script more frequently than daily? Modify your cronjob. Here are couple of examples for running the script more frequently:

Don’t like the snapshot naming convention. No problem, just modify the variable snap_prefix.

Prefer to have more or less than 90 snapshots? Modify the retention variable.

Want to add other zpools and/or datasets? Add them to another variable (e.g., src_1), then modify the remainder of the script to recognize and take action on them.

Prefer to have the script log its output to a different location? Modify the log variable.

You get the idea.


There you have it. A simple way to create and destroy ZFS snapshots on a rolling basis under FreeBSD.

6 comments A Simple Script for Creating and Deleting Rolling ZFS Snapshots in FreeBSD

freakbeat says:

this the easiest way to have a rolling snapshots, I modified it a bit in order to use it with smb and it works really nice!

Much better that any other application from ports.

thank you so much.

iceflatline says:

Thanks freakbeat. I’m glad it worked well for you.

tested and working on ubuntu 20.04 lts, using it in production for snapshotting my rsync backups of my shared hosting servers. Thanks.

iceflatline says:

Pleased to hear, Peter. Thanks for the feedback.

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